
M&E projects since 2021

We have been working on a number of M&E projects for various clients.  A summary of recent projects completed include the following:


The FET楊梅機房電力工程 project focuses on the electrical engineering aspects of the FET楊梅 data center. This project aims to optimize the power infrastructure and ensure reliable electricity supply to support the operational requirements of the data center facility in Yangmei.

The NCIC內湖NH220辦公室標準層機電工程 project involves the mechanical and electrical engineering aspects of the standard floor in the NH220 office building of NCIC in Neihu. The project aims to design and implement efficient and reliable mechanical and electrical systems to support the office operations in the building.

The SOGO忠孝館1F-4F改裝機電、消防工程 project entails the renovation of the mechanical, electrical, and fire protection systems on the 1st to 4th floors of the SOGO Zhongxiao building. The project aims to upgrade and enhance these systems to meet the changing needs and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for occupants.

FET高雄新衙5F ROOM-2機房PDU增設工程:
The FET高雄新衙5F ROOM-2機房PDU增設工程 project involves the installation of additional power distribution units (PDUs) in Room 2 of the 5th floor data center in FET Kaohsiung XinYa. The project aims to expand the power capacity and distribution capabilities of the data center to accommodate growing operational demands.

The 7F追風改裝室內裝修增設消防設備工程 project focuses on the interior decoration and installation of fire protection equipment on the 7th floor of the 追風 building. The project aims to enhance fire safety measures and compliance with regulations to ensure a secure environment for occupants.

The 五股機房增設PDU盤改裝工程 project involves the installation and modification of power distribution unit (PDU) panels in the Wugu data center. The project aims to improve the power distribution infrastructure and accommodate additional equipment in the data center facility.



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RF Project Office

15F-3, No.56, Mingsheng 1st Rd., Xinxing Dist., Kaohsiung City 830, Taiwan

E&C&TI South Project Office & Warehouse

A7 No.10-37, Xiliao Rd., Daliao Dist., Kaohsiung City 831, Taiwan

RF Project Office

6F-3, No.540, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan

TI Project Office & Warehouse

No.25, Dahu Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan

Head Office

Rui-Guang Road, Nei-Hu, Taipei